Training the abdominal muscles - six by Weider


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Training the abdominal muscles - six by Weider


A6W - is a set of exercises for strengthening all the abdominal muscles and burning fat within them. Apparently the road is the best form for the "six pack". During the exercise should watch that muscles were still tense. You can not let them relax. The advantage of this training is the efficiency and speed.


Guarantee of success - that during this six weeks to obtain the required effect is very accurate execution of all exercises and absolute exercise every day since the start of the program.


Each day has its value for the stimulation of abdominal muscles so that they did not have a break of more than one day, otherwise they will stop long-term load, which had little chance of obtaining the desired end result. Training does not allow the abdominal muscles, not one day of rest. To achieve the desired effect should be carefully and daily exercises given below.


As the days pass we increase the number of sets and reps.



1 day - 1 set of 6 reps for each exercise


2.3 hours - 2 sets of 6 reps for each exercise


4,5,6 day - 3 sets of 6 reps for each exercise


7,8,9,10 day - 3 sets of 8 repetitions for each exercise


11,12,13,14 day - 3 sets of 10 repetitions for each exercise


15,16,17,18 day - 3 sets of 12 repetitions for each exercise


19,20,21,22 day - 3 sets of 14 repetitions for each exercise


23,24,25,26 day - 3 sets of 16 repetitions for each exercise


27,28,29,30 day - 3 sets of 18 reps for each exercise


31,32,33,34 day - 3 sets of 20 repetitions for each exercise


35,36,37,38 day - 3 sets of 22 repetitions for each exercise


39,40,41,42 day - 3 sets of 24 repetitions for each exercise


Description of the exercises which are contained in each cycles:


1st Exercise We lie on a flat surface, arms at your sides. Raise one to change one leg so the knee and hip to keep the angle of 90 degrees, but at the same time lifting the shoulders so as not to detach the trunk from the ground. Withstands in this position about 3 seconds, while maintaining maximum muscle tension. We can either take your hands but do not hold the knee.


Exercise 2 In this exercise, we raise both legs simultaneously. Hold 3 seconds and leave.


Exercise 3 Hands repayment to the neck and to change once we raise one leg a second time, so as to keep the knee and hip angle of 90 degrees, while lifting the shoulders, but so as not to detach the trunk from the ground. In this position lasts about 3 seconds while maintaining maximum muscle tension.


Exercise 4 Stranded hands on his shoulders and, like in the second exercise, we raise both legs simultaneously. Hold 3 seconds


Exercise 5th Stranded hands on his shoulders, lifting the torso and shoulder portion of the abdominal muscles while maintaining tension we do, "scissors".


Exercise 6th Raise one shoulder portion while the torso and both legs straight. Hold 3 seconds.




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